Inspired by Biblical parables and stories based on spiritual disciplines and one’s closeness to God, Alone in the Garden invites viewers into an introspective experience, illustrating the importance of ‘seeing clearly’ and considering life’s priorities through the lens of faith and hope, rather than the cultural norms of fear and scarcity. By sharing my experience of physical and spiritual blindness, viewers are invited to see that important areas in their lives may be obscured by the distractions of life, and encourage them to contemplate their priorities and balances while in a state of solitude, similar to the experience of recharging in a natural setting.
A Whisper in the Cloud
Oil, mylar and thread on canvas, 48" x 60", 2019 (Donated to Kingsview Community Church)
The Net
Oil, mylar, and thread on canvas, 48" x 60", 2018
I am who I am
Oil, gouache, Dura-Lar film, and thread on canvas, 36" x 48", 2018
The Walking Tree
Oil, mylar, and thread on canvas, 36" x 48", 2019
Weeds and Seeds
Oil, mylar, and thread on canvas, 36" x 48", 2019
The Virgin submits and accepts the burden 2
Oil, gouache, Dura-Lar film, and thread on canvas, 18" x 22", 2018
Saul's Conversion
Oil, charcoal, mylar, gouache, and thread on canvas, 18" x 22", 2018
Peter and the Tongue of Fire
Oil, mylar, and thread on canvas, 18" x 22", 2019
The Triumphal Entry
Oil, mylar, and thread on canvas, 48" x 60", 2019
Hebrews 11:1
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Hebrews 11:1 (detail)
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Matthew 7:3
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Matthew 7:3 (detail)
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Isaiah 55:2
Thread on Dura-Lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Isaiah 55:2 (detail)
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Ephesians 1:18
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2019
Ephesians 1:18 (detail)
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2019
Isaiah 42:20
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2019
Isaiah 42:20 (detail)
Thread on Dura-lar film, 11" x 14", 2019
Firm Foundation
Watercolour, graphite, synthetic polymer medium, and thread on Dura-Lar film, 11" x 14", 2018
Tongues of Fire
Charcoal, gouache, thread, and Dura-Lar Film, 11" x 14", 2018